ROCCO HQ London 20/06/24
Our research has been concluded, the results have been checked and verified and we are pleased to publish the Tier One vendors in A2P SMS Messaging for 2024
ROCCO is releasing the A2P SMS Messaging Market Impact Reports MNO and Enterprise edition. These reports provide comprehensive analysis and valuable insight into the constantly evolving landscape of application-to-person (A2P) SMS messaging. A2P SMS continues to play an important role in the messaging industry, despite the emergence of alternative communication channels such as over-the-top (OTT) messaging applications or rich communication services (RCS).
We would like to thank the eight prominent A2P SMS vendors who participated in the vendor survey, including Cequens, Console Connect, LANCK Telecom, Monty Mobile, MobiWeb, Sinch, Syniverse and Tanla. These providers not only shared valuable insights into their A2P SMS offerings, but also shared their perspectives on key market trends and the future of messaging.
The A2P SMS Market Impact Report 2024 – MNO Edition provides specific insights from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) around the world. The report includes data on the revenues operators are generating from A2P SMS termination.
Operators also shared their views on the impact of artificial inflation of traffic (AIT) fraud and how it has affected them. In addition, with the rise of OTT messaging platforms, MNOs have identified the channels that pose the greatest threat to SMS. Of particular interest is the discussion around grey routes.
This is a recurring challenge for MNOs as operators reveal their perceptions of grey route volumes. The report also highlights the latest developments and ongoing challenges faced by MNOs in the A2P SMS space. This invaluable information enables stakeholders to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the A2P SMS ecosystem.

The A2P SMS Market Impact Report 2024 – Enterprise Edition focuses on the perspective of enterprises using A2P SMS. Participants have shared their preferences for the channels they use to communicate and engage with their customers.
This provides valuable insight into where messaging is likely to go in the future. The report also highlights the commercial importance of this channel, revealing how much companies have invested in A2P SMS services.
Similar to the MNO edition, the report also covers AIT fraud and its impact on enterprises. The views of the enterprises on grey routes and the role of the vendors in dealing with this issue is also featured on this report.
In addition, participating companies have expressed their concerns about the key challenges they face in the A2P SMS landscape. Incorporating these views will enable vendors to proactively address the needs and expectations of enterprises and stay ahead of the competition.
ROCCO’s A2P SMS Messaging Market Impact Reports, MNO & Enterprise Edition, offer a detailed look at the current state and future prospects of A2P SMS messaging. Contributed by leading vendors, operators and enterprises, these reports provide an invaluable resource for understanding market trends, addressing challenges and improving the overall ecosystem. The importance of A2P SMS as a ubiquitous channel in the messaging industry remains undisputed, even in the face of emerging alternatives. As the industry continues to evolve, it is critical for providers to stay on top of MNO and enterprise preferences and requirements to maintain a competitive advantage.
Order the A2P SMS Messaging Market Impact Report – MNO Edition
Order the A2P SMS Messaging Market Impact Report – Enterprise Edition
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